Let’s step into the new year slowly, gently…
When my husband and kids asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told them all I want for Christmas is joy.
For months, I felt like all I heard or watched was encompassed in negativity. I wanted to take the holidays to just feel joy. Our parents are aging and our children are getting older. I needed to enjoy this season with them as I don't know how many more we will have together all around the same table.
I wanted no stress over holiday plans and who would be where when. No thoughts of the 'what ifs' of family drama, having all the food perfect and warm at the same time or tension over differing opinions. Just time together and joy. I was fortunate to be given the space to have that. I lived in the moment with family and friends this season. I let go of the menial and embraced the quiet conversations happening around the room, the laughter, and even the comfortable silence while everyone shared a meal together.
My intention for going into 2025 is to step gently into the new year. To take each day as it comes. Be kind to myself and present in the moments with others.
"Step gently! I do feel that when we jump in to do all the things right away—we burnout," my friend, Lauren Magel, said that when I shared my intention with her. It's so true.
When we step gently it's like stepping into the cold ocean. Slowly entering with toes then feet, legs and body until we get use to the water. Ride the waves as they come, dip our heads under when we're ready and come up for air when we need to. Unexpected waves may come crashing down on us. That's okay, because as they have done before, we know they will pass. Let the year flow. Have grace with yourself and enjoy the ride, the soft breezes, the warmth of the sun and the quiet moments together or alone. Take time to heal the soul and step gently into whatever comes your way.
With Love and Light,
Thank you Wendy, a beautiful messsage for all. So glad you were able to live in the moment. I am working on this as well. Your analogy of "stepping into the cold ocean" is beautiful. Wishing you a wonderful 2025.
I love this, Wendy! I think we all need a bit more grace and gentleness in our lives. May your 2025 be full of peaceful pleasures.