The one thing I loved about being a teacher and miss so much is being part of a team. Whether it was a grade level team or the other teachers in my school. The people who lift you up, have your back and cheer you on from the sidelines.
January marks two years since I began this author career. In this time, I’ve slowly built up a new team. It’s been a learning process. Some good lessons, some not so good. In the end, I’m finding out that I have a team of people around me who support and guide me in different ways. I have an amazing editor, writing coach, publishing house, illustrator, narrator, readers, family, and friends who have all been on this journey with me. It is amazing how much your confidence can be boosted when you are surrounded with a community of people who lift you up.
There are different bonds that we make throughout our lives. Some of them come and go depending on what stage we are at, while others remain for a lifetime. I am currently writing my second novel, From This Day Forward. We all have those moments in our lives were a change, a shift or an event can happen, and we have to decide, "How am I going to move forward from this?" It is having the support, the love, and the guidance from those people on our team that makes the scary and unknown possible. In this story, newlyweds Emmaline and Jay have to decide ‘from this day forward’ how will they move on when life doesn't go the way they planned it? They will discover that the support of the people in their lives may be the only thing to help them.
My wish for you is that you have found your team of people that have influenced and affected you in a way that helps you become the person that you want to be and fulfill those dreams that you always hoped for yourself.
With Love and Light,
